Shader Experiments

Shader experiments written in GLSL using the excellent ShaderToy. All shaders are using ray marching techniques and signed distance fields (SDF). There’s no polygonal geometry or image based textures. All the imagery is generated entirely from code.

Use Play/Stop button to see each shader in action.
Note that Play/Stop button is in the bottom-left corner of each shader view and may appear hard to reach/truncated in your browser window (looks like Shader Toy embedding issue).


Smeared and deformed cube…


A very basic first person perspective “game”. Click within shader view and drag with mouse to look around. Use WSAD keys to move around the scene. Note that there are no boundaries so you can move beyond the scene if you’re not careful ;).


A very brute force and very slow global illumination shading test. At least it works…


Twisted, procedurally textured torus seen from the inside…