 Interactive VR UI prototypes set up in  MODO  (assets with python scripted actions).
 All the sculptures were created during the development of  Kanova  in 2017/2018. Images rendered with  Foundry MODO .

Kanova is a hybrid desktop/VR sculpting application that was being developed by R&D department at The Foundry. Sadly, Kanova is not worked on anymore but its alpha version is still freely available on Steam.

I worked on desktop UI styling (Qt in C++), the look and feel of the viewport/scene as well as on prototyping the 3D UI in VR.

This project was my first contact with VR and it marked the beginning of my love for VR.

 Interactive VR UI prototypes set up in  MODO  (assets with python scripted actions).

Interactive VR UI prototypes set up in MODO (assets with python scripted actions).

 All the sculptures were created during the development of  Kanova  in 2017/2018. Images rendered with  Foundry MODO .

All the sculptures were created during the development of Kanova in 2017/2018. Images rendered with Foundry MODO.





