Dog of Zone is an experimental interactive projection that was developed as a subject of PhD thesis at Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Poland. The project explores a concept of the Zone - an unstable, uncontrolled space that seems to act as a living being. The Zone manifests itself via the dog - the object of the Zone.
On the technical side Dog of Zone is an exploration of a hybrid approach to making art by combining wide range of mediums (traditional drawing, computer animation, programming, sound) in a seamless way.
Visuals draw from abstract expressionism (the art of Franz Kline especially) and are based on transposing small scale gestural drawings into the language of three dimensional computer animation but without loosing drawings' original qualities. The resulting imagery is both expressive and precise.

Watch the edited recording of the running projection from 3 points of view: camera placed next to projection space (beginning of the movie), animation footage captured from computer screen (middle section), projection experience filmed from participant POV (end section).

In 2020 Dog of Zone was accepted to Siggraph Art Gallery program. The presentation prepared for this exhibition shows the project itself, covers its background and describes the creative process.
Technically, Dog of Zone is an application built with Unity and is using Kinect as an input device.